"... for the first time you were really allowed to see Jean Nouvel's concert house, as it was intended to look. Namely with live projections on the outside and inside in the foyer area. It makes a difference .... Many things in the house's impressive architecture falls in place only when the animated visual effects really are up and playing. One wishes it was like that, even when there is no international summit in Copenhagen. " - Politikken 19. dec 2009. Photographs by Thomas Svensson
For the COP15 conference, Danish national broadcaster DR, together with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited people from around the world to make their voices heard. At http://en.cop15.dk/greetings users where encouraged to send messages to the world leaders, some of which were then projected onto the facade of the DR Concert Hall. Inside the Concert Hall various events took place, including 'The Greatest Debate on Earth' anchored by BBC HARDtalk host Stephen Sackur with world leaders from all continents represented. On the outside messages to those same leaders where taken from the Climate Greetings website and displayed in a dynamic visualisation with references both to the COP15 conference and also to the global nature of the climate issues we face.
Shiftcontrol was chosen to develop the system for displaying the messages on the Concert Hall designed by Jean Nouvel. The project, which saw the first appearance of real-time graphics on the facade, delivered a constant stream of messages from the public throughout the conference. Inspired by the official COP15 identity a visual language of lines (connections) was used to dynamically write messages and reveal their source on a globe.
Realised in processing, the visuals span three screens, delivered to the projectors through a Matrox TripleHead2Go. Besides projections the facade was also lit up with a large number of traditional lights with gobos, controlled by the rendering application through DMX. Messages were loaded from an XML stream and http://geonames.org was used to translate place names into geocodes - used to show the location on a globe.
Slides from the Concert Hall during COP15