COP15 motion logo
openframeworks  conference  generative  realtime  identity  procedural_animation  web  campaign  commercial 

[091210] In close collaboration with Troels / Nr.2154 shiftcontrol extended his beautiful work on the logo into the realm of a parametric realtime animated version.
Consisting of 192 lines, one pr. member of the United Nations, we conceived the concept of 'a world in continuous dynamic chaos unifying to the (utopian?) ideal constellation - a state of perfect balance - in which the COP15 Climate Conference can happen'.

Developed in openFrameworks, a C++ framework for computational sketching, as a animation tool that allowed us to quickly experiment with temperaments and seek out the right feeling for 'how the world can come to clarity'.

A range of deliverables was composed, from a Windows7 widget to a full HD version with 'Welcome' overlaid in 12 languages.

The work received high visibility when chosen as the outro for the 'raise your voice' campaign facilitated by YouTube. See for instance Desmond Tutu (we're on @1:54) and Connie Hedegaard (@ 1:58).
